Admissions Arrangements
Consultation on our proposed admission arrangements for 2026-27
Extend Learning Academies Network are consulting on our proposed admission arrangements for the 2026-27 school year. The consultation relates to the proposed reduction in the Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for Windwhistle Primary School from September 2026 - further details and a copy of the arrangements are below.
Comments are not being sought on the rest of the arrangements.
Consultation on a proposed reduction in the published admission numbers (PAN) for Windwhistle Primary School with effect from September 2026
The current published admission number (PAN) for Windwhistle Primary School is 60. This means the number of children admitted into reception each year is a maximum of 60.
Extend Learning Academies Network have asked the Local Authority to consider a reduction in the PAN for Windwhistle Primary School. With the agreement of both organisations, there is a proposed change to reduce the admission number from 60 to 45 places in reception from September 2026. This means that from September 2026 onwards there will be 45 places for pupils entering the school in the reception age-range.
The predicted numbers, calculated by North Somerset Council, of reception children currently in the school’s catchment area has been falling. Nationally, birth rates are also falling. The current reception intake for this academic year was 37 and is predicted to be an average of 40 for the following 3 years.
Reducing the PAN to 45 will allow the school to plan ahead with more certainty both in terms of staffing levels and the school budget while at the same time ensuring, as far as possible, that all pupils in the Windwhistle and wider school area can be offered a school place at their local school. This has always been in the forefront of Windwhistle and the academy trust board thinking.
Keeping a PAN of 60 leaves the school open to potentially having to take a small number of children over infant class limits causing uneconomic class sizes. It is a legal requirement that reception year and Key Stage 1 class sizes have no more than 30 pupils per qualified teacher.
The Admissions Authority will retain some discretion in Key Stage 2 regarding class sizes and in-year additional admissions. The school and Local Authority will regularly review potential admission numbers, future growth trends and other indicators. Where applications regularly exceed, or are predicted to exceed PAN the school will consider increasing the number admitted.
How to Respond
The consultation opened on Thursday 12 December 2024 and will run until Thursday 30 January 2025.
You are invited to submit comments to the consultation which is available here:
Admissions | Windwhistle Primary School
You may submit responses in writing to:
Extend Learning Academies Network
13 Lime Close
BS24 8BH
Or alternatively you can e-mail comments to:
Following the consultation period, the academy trust board will consider all comments received in determining the admission arrangements for 2026-27 and make a decision by 28 February 2025. The final arrangements will be published on the websites for Windwhistle Primary School and ELAN by the 15 March 2025.
Admission arrangements include the admission rules for schools in our trust and the procedures which will be followed for admission to school.
Admission arrangements must be decided upon every year - this is known as 'determining' the admission arrangements.
Admission authorities (the local authority or the school's governing body/academy trust) must determine their admission arrangements by 28 February each year.
Determined Admission Arrangements for 2023-24
The Governing Body have determined Admissions Arrangements for 2023-24. Please see full document:
Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2024-2025
The Trust Board have determined Admissions Arrangements for 2024-25. Please see full document:
Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2025-2026
The Trust Board have determined Admissions Arrangements for 2025-26. Please see full document: