On the 1 October 2017 Windwhistle Primary School converted to academy status and formally became part of the Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN).
Each school within ELAN has a Local Governing Body (LGB). The LGB of Windwhistle Primary School aims to support the whole community of the school using their varying skills, strengths and expertise from all walks of life to enrich the work of the governing body and improve the governance of the school.
The LGB of Windwhistle Primary is made up of representatives of the school staff, parents, and the community, who have a special interest in the school and wish to volunteer their time in undertaking the responsibilities delegated to them by the Board of Trustees. These include aspects such as maintaining an overview of the standards and performance achieved in the school, securing a local interest in the school’s strategic development and providing support and challenge for the Headteacher.
In all decision making, the governors are committed to ensuring that the best interests of all children in the school are the highest priority.
The purpose of the Scheme of Delegation is to set out the lines of responsibility and accountability in the Extend Learning Academies Network multi-academy trust so that roles and responsibilities in the governance and executive structures are clear. The delegations laid out in this document are also reflected in the Terms of Reference for the Board of Trustees and Local Governing Bodies (LGBs).
The quality and effectiveness of our governance is fundamental in ensuring that we are successful in delivering our vision and strategic priorities.
Windwhistle Governors summary document 2023-24
If you are considering becoming a Governor please contact the Headteacher to find out more or complete the expression of interest form
Extend Learning Academies Network Governance Information
For information regarding:
The structure and remit of the members and board of trustees
Please click the links below.
Extend Learning Academies Network Governance
Extend Learning Academies Network Members
Extend Learning Academies Network Board of Trustees