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Welcome to Windwhistle Primary School

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Personal, Social Health Education

PSHE & RSE Rationale


Our approach to relationships education is informed by:


a) The ethos of our school, which encourages children to respect themselves and each other, take responsibilities for their own decisions and actions and take responsibility for their family, friends, school and the wider community


b) The National Curriculum Science Programme of Study, which embeds aspects of Sex Education into the school curriculum


c) The statutory ‘Relationships Education and Health Education guidance 2019’ which makes Relationships Education compulsory in all state schools.  It also recommends that all primary schools should teach sex education, tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of children.


d) The views of the whole school community; the role of parents in the development of their children’s understanding about relationships is vital and we will provide opportunities for them to understand the purpose and content of RELATIONSHIPS EDUCATION and be involved in its development.  We inform parents through termly curriculum letters and the school website when aspects of RELATIONSHIPS EDUCATION will be taught. We also encourage an open-door policy to help ensure that parents can discuss issues with the school staff in a positive, sensitive and proactive manner.  Governors and staff also contribute to the development of RELATIONSHIPS EDUCATION and feedback from children informs content and the approach to teaching.


Social and emotional being of children in our classes




  • Children at Windwhistle are likely to require whole class emotional literacy sessions focusing on all five competencies.  
  • This could be focused sessions, as well as finding as many ‘incidental’ opportunities within the learning day to notice, use, practise and reinforce strategies that are presented/discussed in a whole group setting.  This teaching needs to be transparent (explicit not implicit).
  • Within the school setting it will be useful for staff to identify the children who have highlighted (by themselves, teacher and parent) as being below or well below in order to provide some focused, small group or individual work.



  • Environmental changes
  • Changes in language used
  • Systems
  • Timetabling
  • How to support individuals


Start doing


Do more of


Keep doing


Do less of



